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Key Stage Results 2023

Key Stage 2 SATs Results

In the week starting Monday 9th May 2023, the children of Year 6 sat their end of Key Stage 2 SATs assessments. These assessments measured the children's educational achievement in Key Stage 2 (from Year 3 to Year 6), with the ultimate aim of holding schools to account for the attainment of their pupils and the progress they make. 


Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

The Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation paper consisted of two assessments: a 50 mark grammar and punctuation paper followed by a 20 word spelling test. The percentage of children who met the expected standard across the country was 71%. At Abbey Primary School...

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Percentages

At Abbey Primary School we had a fantastic 89% who met the expected standard with 53% of the children working at a greater depth level of understanding!



Writing levels are decided by each child's class teacher, using evidence of independent writing from throughout the year to support their judgements. The percentage of children who met the expected standard across the country in writing was 71%. At Abbey Primary School...

Writing Percentages

At Abbey Primary School we had a fantastic 81% who met the expected standard with 16% of children working at a greater depth level!



The Maths assessment consisted of three papers: a 40 mark arithmetic paper and two 35-mark reasoning papers. The percentage of children who met the expected standard across the country was 73%. At Abbey Primary School...

Maths Percentages

At Abbey Primary School we had a fantastic 86% who met the expected standard with 47% of children working at a greater depth level of understanding!



The Reading assessment consisted of a one hour paper that included three different texts and a selection of questions about each one. The percentage of children who met the expected standard across the country was 73%. At Abbey Primary School...

Reading Percentages

At Abbey Primary School we had a fantastic 84% who met the expected standard with 38% of children working at a greater depth level of understanding!



Within primary education, the results from the end of Key Stage 2 assessments provide us with one other important statistic - a combined score. The combined score is the percentage of pupils who met the expected standard in all of the three prime areas: reading, writing and maths. Nationally, the percentage of children who met the expected standard in these areas was 59%. At Abbey Primary...

Combined Data Percentages

At Abbey Primary School, 73% of our Year 6 children met the expected standard in reading, writing and Maths - a huge 14% higher than the national average.

Abbey Primary School VS National Averages
Subject Abbey Primary School National Averages
SPaG 89% 71%
Reading 84% 73%
Writing 81% 71%
Maths 86% 73%
Combined 73% 59%


In education, it is rare to have concrete evidence to compare schools to a national picture but the end of Key Stage SATs allows for this to happen. For this reason, it is important to pass thanks to those who supported our Year 6 children throughout their Key Stage 2 learning experience including previous teachers, teaching assistants and support staff who all had a vitally important role to play.

A mention also has to go to Miss Watt, Miss Walker, Mrs Royle and Mrs Dilley for all of their hard work and dedication towards the children this year. Great results are a mark of great teaching. But more than this, these kind of results come as a result of trusting relationships, high expectations and a feeling of safety that have allowed all of these children to flourish in a way we know they will be very proud of.

The largest congratulations must go to the Year 6 children, our 'Class of 2023'.

The strength of character of these children is something that takes our breath away every week. They are a group of children who work hard, play harder, challenge themselves daily, are resilient in the face of adversity and show trust in the adults who are before them. They are a cohort who should bring pride to the community as they are our future and what a future it will be with them at the centre.

What makes them unique is they did not simply become successful and resolute. They had to work really hard to get to where they now find themselves. They learnt that wonderful rewards come as a result of wonderful effort and they recognise that they are the product of their upbringing, both in school and outside.

To every child in Year 6, we are so proud of you and hope you enjoy the adoration that this news brings and use it as a the most positive of starts to your next step in education - Secondary School!


Key Stage 1 and Phonics Results 

KS1 Reading, Writing and Maths Results

KS1 Phonics Results