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Governing Body

Our governors are representatives of the parents, school staff and the local community. They meet together four times a term and regularly visit the school. They have responsibility for overseeing the organisation, curriculum and budget of the school. The day-to-day running of the school is entrusted to the Headteacher and staff. 


Here is a list of our school governors:

Mr M Rosewell - Chair (Maths and Governor) 

Mrs S Seal -  Vice-Chair (Trustees Finance Committee)

Mrs S Dutta (Safeguarding Governor)

Mrs L Hall (English Lead Community Governor)

Ms N Bradley 


Here is a list of our staff governors:

Mrs A Stirling-Williams (Headteacher)

Mr A Tanner (Staff Governor)

Mrs L Pettinger (Staff Governor)


Here is a list of our parent governors:

Abbey Azzopardi (SEN Parent Governor)

Jenny Farrell (Early Years Parent Governor)

Each governor is elected or appointed to serve for 4 years. They then become eligible for re-election or re-appointment. If necessary, governors can be contacted via the School Office. 


View information about Governors including Business Interests.

View the Academy's trustees.

View Academy information, including the Trust Annual Report and Accounts.

View Abbey Attendance