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PTFA (Friends of Abbey)


Friends of Abbey Poster

Abbey Primary School is proud to present the Abbey Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA), also known as the 'Friends of Abbey'. 

We are run solely by a small group of parent volunteers with the aim of fundraising to support all children within our school.

Over the years, we have raised many thousands of pounds which have been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in school in general. This has included purchasing IT equipment, Interactive Whiteboards,  playground equipment, sports kit, the development and refurbishment of our playground to name but a few!

The Abbey PTFA fundraise by running really fun events throughout the school year. The children thoroughly enjoy these events which include school discos, summer and Christmas fairs, movie nights, competitions, uniform sales, cake, ice-cream sales and more.

The PTFA volunteer team meet regularly to talk through up-and-coming events and we are always looking out for extra pairs of hands to help support us at our events.

Please contact us via if you would like to support us, supporting all of the children of our school. Without volunteers, our children would not be able to enjoy not only the special events run throughout the year, but also reap the benefits of their work.


Keeping In Touch

 The Abbey PTFA Group are an extension of our school and work tirelessly to provide opportunities for your children. To become part of the community and to learn more about the events being organised, join the Abbey PTFA Facebook Group