At Abbey, we nurture a love of learning. We open windows of opportunity by creating memorable moments. Learning with meaningful relationships supports our children to become valued members of the community. We embed the core subjects within an expansive and challenging curriculum. We develop and nurture young minds, creating memorable moments and events. We promote and celebrate equality and diversity.
At Abbey Primary School, Design and Technology is a vital part of our creative curriculum, inspiring pupils to become innovative thinkers. Our DT curriculum inspires pupils to develop their practical skills by using specific tools, and evaluate their own and others’ work, building confidence and resilience. Our curriculum fosters an awareness of how design and technology influence our daily lives and the global environment. By exploring the work of designers and innovators from diverse backgrounds and historical contexts, pupils gain insight into the cultural, social, and environmental impact of design and technology.
Our sequential scheme of work focuses on the knowledge and skills of:structures, mechanical systems, cooking and nutrition, digital world, textiles and electrical systems. At Abbey, our DT curriculum is structured around the design progression of skills: design, make, evaluate with the support of technical knowledge. Our learning journey includes the study of key skills, key knowledge and technical vocabulary through practical tasks, group work, computer-aided design, and independent challenges. Our lesson journey includes SEEC, retrieval, key practical skill and knowledge, and opportunities for independent ‘making’ practical. DT books are used to record pupils’ initial designs, developing skills and displaying photographic evidence of their end of unit result. Our curriculum map outlines the units covered and the cross curricular links. Regular formative assessment allows teachers to adapt lessons to meet pupils’ needs and ensures progression across year groups. In DT, we are mindful of the limitations of summative assessment, especially when making evaluative judgements about practical outcomes.
By the end of their primary education, pupils will:
- Demonstrate a solid understanding of the functional and aesthetic properties of materials and resources.
- Use a repertoire of skills to design, make, and evaluate products.
- Confidently use tools and techniques to shape, decorate, and manufacture, applying technical knowledge with precision and creativity.
- Apply principles of healthy eating, understanding food groups, seasonality, and cooking techniques to create nutritious meals. • Appreciate the contributions of key designers, inventors, and events from history and the modern day, connecting these to the ir own work.
- Understand how design impacts the wider world, including environmental, social, and cultural considerations. • Evaluate their own work and that of others, expressing informed opinions, identifying areas for improvement, and taking pride in their achievements.
Through our DT curriculum, pupils gain the confidence, creativity, and resilience to take risks and solve problems. They leave primary school as reflective learners with a strong foundation of skills and knowledge within Design and Technology.