Reception to Year 6
Reception Admission
Abbey Primary School is part of the Pan-London Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for primary admissions. Applications must be made through the London Borough of Sutton during the period 1st September to 15th January in the year before the child is due to start. Attendance in the Nursery does not give priority for a place in Reception therefore a separate application must be made by parents/carers wishing to apply for a place in Reception. If you wish to apply for a place at Abbey Primary School, you must name the school as one of your preferences on the Common Application Form (CAF).
Abbey Primary School has 60 places available in Reception. Included within this figure are children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) which names Abbey Primary School, will be allocated a place before other applicants are considered.
Order of Priority/Over-Subscription
Where applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the following order of priority:
- Priority 1: Looked After and Previously Looked After children
- Priority 2: Children with Exceptional Medical or Social Reasons for attending Abbey Primary School
- Priority 3: Children of Permanent Staff Employed at Abbey Primary School
- Priority 4: Children with a Sibling at Abbey Primary School
- Priority 5: Children Living in Proximity to Abbey Primary School
Please read the Admissions Policy for full details of the order of priority/over-subscription criteria and other important information regarding admissions.
- Admission Policy for entry in September 2024
- Admission Policy for entry in September 2025
- Admission Policy for entry in September 2026
In-Year Applications and Waiting Lists
If you are looking for a place for your child during the school year, you can contact Sutton Admissions by visiting
If you wish to apply for a place at Abbey Primary School, you must name the school as one of your preference on the In-Year Application form. Details of any application listing Abbey as a preference will be sent to the school and the applicant, if there are no places available, will be placed on the relevant waiting list. All waiting lists will be maintained strictly according to the order of priority/over-subscription criterial above and will be reviewed regularly.
Appeal Arrangements
If you are not offered a place at Abbey Primary School, you have a statutory right of appeal under the Standard & Framework Act 1998. If you wish to appeal, please write to Mrs L Bedford to request the appeal forms and advice booklet.
Mrs L Bedford
Admissions Manager
Glenthorne High School
Sutton Common Road
Abbey Primary School is an Academy in charge of its own admission arrangements with the responsibility to arrange appeal hearings. The member of the Appeal Panel are independent of the school in line with the Admissions Appeal Code.
Appeals for an In-Year admission will be heard within 30 days and appeals for September entry will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline date and appellants will receive at least 10 days’ notice of the date of their appeal hearing. Decision letters will be sent out by the Clerk to the Appeal Panel within five school days of the date of the last hearing.